Contains: 50% Ultimate Antibiotic Elixir (Colloidal Gold, Colloidal Silver, and Colloidal Titanium), 50 % Hydrogen Peroxide (3%)
If you have Colloidal Silver at home and some 3% Hydrogen Peroxide you can easily mix the two together in equal parts to make this amazing elixir.
Colloidal silver combined with Hydrogen Peroxide, H2O2, is quickly proving to be an effective combination. This combination can be used in oral, IV and external treatments like cleaning and healing the inner ears.
When I was living in higher altitudes I feel the pressure of wax in my ears a lot more than I ever have my whole life. A good friend of mine told me about trying Silver and Peroxide mix to clean out my ears and relieve any pain. Sure enough I tried it and it works wonders. I do it at least once a week now to keep it clean and relieve pressure.
I like to use it for cleaning out my ears when they're feeling waxy. I simply tilt my head and put 3-6 drops in the ear and let it sit for 5 minutes. If you can hear the liquid crackling and popping in your ear, that's good and means its killing bacteria and removing wax. After I'm done, I tilt my head the other way so it will drain out and I do the other ear. You'll probably notice more crackling and popping in one ear than the other. For me my left ear always does more. That's normal. Finally I recommend doing another round with just some distilled water to help wash everything away.
This can also be sprayed up your nose or even taken orally to prevent and get rid of nasty viruses.
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PriceFrom $18.00
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