This was made first adding crushed up organic bitter almonds to warm structured water. Then I filter out the large stuff to be left with a tea. Next I preform the wet method of making ormus with natron and Dead Sea salt. Then I simply dry it out in my dehydrator at a low temperature to turn this into an Ormus Powder.
This is very potent WPG and only requires a pinch under the tongue, sublingually.
In the middle of a peach or apricot is a hard shell. If you break open the hard shell with a “nut cracker,” pliers or hammer, you will find a small seed/kernel in the middle that looks like an almond. However, it is much softer than an almond and certainly does not taste like an almond (it is bitter and not very tasty). It is this seed that is rich in natural laetrile.
If you search for “apricot kernels” (use the quotes) on Google you will be able to find a lot of vendors of apricot kernels. Be advised, however, that apricot kernel sites cannot legally make any medical claims about laetrile being used to treat cancer.
Most experts will recommend a daily dose of apricot kernels from between 24 kernels a day up to 40 kernels a day, spread throughout the day. For a person in remission, 16 apricot kernels a day should be used as a minimum.
The FDA has made the purchase of laetrile supplements difficult to obtain, even though it is a perfectly natural and safe supplement. In order for a doctor to use laetrile supplements, they must have a patient sign a statement that the treatment is solely for detoxification and NOT to cure cancer. In other words, all “treatment for cancer”, NOT just Laetrile, are effectively illegal unless one is an oncologist.
Fortunately Laetrile is available over the Internet either as apricot kernels, pills, or in some cases in liquid form. I personally believe that the apricot kernels are the best form as they are in more of a ‘whole food’ f
White Powder of Gold
The White Powder of Gold is a multitude of things. It is in essence, the Elixir of Life. It is likewise, The Philosopher’s Stone of Alchemy, the “manna” of the ancient Hebrews, and even the MFKZT “What is it?” of the ancient Egyptians. In science, the white powder of gold is the ORME -- i.e. gold (or any of the Precious Metals) in a monoatomic form -- which can result in Superconductivity within an organic body.
When the white powder of gold is mixed in water, it becomes the Elixir of Life, the alchemist’s dream -- also known as The Golden Tear from the Eye of Horus, or “That which issues from the mouth of the creator.” It was also called as the “spittle of God” -- not the word of God, but the spittle. Others referred to it as the semen of the father in heaven. [Putting the white powder in water doesn’t result in it dissolving. Instead, it forms a gelatinous suspension, and looks very much like a vial of semen.]
For the alchemists, the goal had always been to make the white powder of gold, to make “the container of the light of life.” Thereafter, if you stood in its presence, you wouldn’t age. If you partook of it, you would live for ever. It’s history goes back to Enoch, Thoth, Hermes Trisgetimus, the same man by any other name, who ascended to heaven by partaking of the white drops, and thereby avoided death.
In The Egyptian Book of the Dead and the Papyrus of Ani, by Budge -- based on a papyrus from Old Kingdom Egypt -- there is a curious repetition of the phrase, “What is it?” Samples from the papyrus reads, “I am purified of all imperfections. What is it? I ascend like the golden hawk of Horus. What is it? I pass by the immortals without dying. What is it? I come before my father in Heaven. What is it?” The latter question repeats itself for hundreds of times throughout the lengthy ancient document.
The “What is it?” literally translates into Hebrew as “manna”. Even a modern dictionary may define manna as “What is it?”. The manna was the “bread” taken by the high priest, the Melchizedek priest. Moses told the Hebrew people at one point, “You have not kept the covenant, and so the manna is being taken from you. But it will come back in the end times. When we will be a nation of high priests, not an elect high priesthood.”
The manna, the white powder of gold, is the food, the light, one takes into their body. It is the Food of the Gods. A modern day Rabbi might tell you that no one has known how to make the manna, the white powder of Gold, since the destruction of the Temple of Solomon. The technique is, supposedly, a lost art or lost knowledge. But others argue that when the high priests left the Temple (when it was destroyed), the took the secret out into the desert and organized a commune called Qumrun. There, they became the Essenes. Eventually, the white powder was used to nourish a woman named Mary, and eventually, she gave birth to a man named Jesus. Some claim that it was the white powder of gold which allowed Jesus his many gifts, including his ascension into heaven.
These gifts include: perfect telepathy, the ability to know good and evil when it’s present, and to project thoughts into another person’s mind. There is also the ability to levitate, or to walk on water. By excluding all external magnetic fields (including the Earth’s gravity), the white powder of gold takes one beyond the four dimensional space time continuum, and the individual becomes a fifth dimensional being. They can literally think where they would like to be, and go there. They can heal by the laying on of hands, and can cleanse and resurrect the dead within two or three days after they died. They have so much energy that they can literally embrace people and bring light and energy back into them.
In Revelations, it says, “Blessed be the man who shall overcome, for he shall be given the hidden manna, the white stone of the purest kind upon which will be written a new name.” He will not be the same person. [Obviously!]
In the modern parlance, the white powder of gold is the ORME-- Orbitally Rearranged Monatomic Elements. The ORME is obtained from the Precious Metals (Gold, Platinum, Silver, Palladium, Osmium, Ruthenium, Rhodium and Iridium). Superdeformation of Nuclei of these precious elements, results in a monoatomic, superconducting, high spin, low energy state, wherein -- in accordance with ORME Physics and ORME Biology -- the extraordinary characteristics of the white powder of gold can be manifested.
Basically, everything is encoded in each individual’s DNA, waiting to be activated. Care for a cup of life?
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Statements and/or products made by Eck-Tech have not been evaluated/approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (the “FDA”) so it is for experimentation purposes only. It is your responsibility to evaluate the accuracy, completeness or usefulness of any information, opinion, advice or other content available by Eck-Tech. Please seek the advice of professionals, as appropriate, regarding the evaluation of any specific information, opinion, advice or other content, including but not limited to health content. In addition to the previous statements, you may not resell any product you purchase from Eck-Tech.
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