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The Allende meteorite is the largest carbonaceous chondrite ever found on Earth. The fireball was witnessed at 01:05 on February 8, 1969, falling over the Mexican state of Chihuahua.After breaking up in the atmosphere, an extensive search for pieces was conducted and it is often described as "the best-studied meteorite in history". The Allende meteorite is notable for possessing abundant, large calcium-aluminium-rich inclusions, which are among the oldest objects formed in the Solar System.

Carbonaceous chondrites comprise about 4 percent of all meteorites observed to fall from space. Prior to 1969, the carbonaceous chondrite class was known from a small number of uncommon meteorites such as Orgueil, which fell in France in 1864. Meteorites similar to Allende were known, but many were small and poorly studied.

The matrix and the chondrules consist of many different minerals, predominantly olivine and pyroxene. Allende is classified as a CV3 carbonaceous chondrite: the chemical composition, which is rich in refractory elements like calcium, aluminum, and titanium, and poor in relatively volatile elements like sodium and potassium, places it in the CV group, and the lack of secondary heating effects is consistent with petrologic type 3 (see meteorites classification). Like most carbonaceous chondrites and all CV chondrites, Allende is enriched in the oxygen isotope O-16 relative to the less abundant isotopes, O-17 and O-18. In June 2012, researchers announced the discovery of another inclusion dubbed panguite, a hitherto unknown type of titanium dioxide mineral.

There was found to be a small amount of carbon (including graphite and diamond), and many organic compounds, including amino acids, some not known on Earth. Iron, mostly combined, makes up about 24% of the meteorite.

There are several reasons Allende is often called "the best-studied meteorite in history:" Allende fell in early 1969, just months before the Apollo program was to return the first moon rocks. This was a time of great excitement and energy among planetary scientists. The field was attracting many new workers and laboratories were being improved. As a result, the scientific community was immediately ready to study the new meteorite. A number of museums launched expeditions to Mexico to collect samples, including the Smithsonian Institution and together they collected hundreds of kilograms of material with CAIs. The CAIs are billions of years old, and help to determine the age of the solar system. The CAIs had very unusual isotopic compositions, with many being distinct from the Earth, Moon and other meteorites for a wide variety of isotopes. These "isotope anomalies" contain evidence for processes that occurred in other stars before the solar system formed.

Allende contains chondrules and CAIs that are estimated to be 4.567 billion years old, the oldest known matter (other carbonaceous chondrites also contain these). This material is 30 million years older than the Earth and 287 million years older than the oldest rock known on Earth, Thus, the Allende meteorite has revealed information about conditions prevailing during the early formation of our solar system. Carbonaceous chondrites, including Allende, are the most primitive meteorites, and contain the most primitive known matter. They have undergone the least mixing and remelting since the early stages of solar system formation. Because of this, their age is frequently taken as the "age of the solar system."

As stars age, they spew out great quantities of dust grains into interstellar space. Early in our solar system's history, dust that formed around stars older than the Sun reached the solar nebula and mixed with chondrules, calcium-aluminum inclusions (CAIs) and dust particles from our solar system. Today, small amounts of this stardust, known as presolar grains, can be found in some meteorites. The Allende meteorite contains many types of presolar grains, including tiny diamonds that consist of only about 1,000 carbon atoms.

Some have speculated that because of the carbon in this meteorite, it was somehow associated with extraterrestrial life or with the arrival of life on Earth. Chemical analyses of carbonaceous chondrites have revealed both non-biological and biological amino acids--the buildings blocks of life. Some of these amino acids are not found on earth.

The implications of this discovery are twofold. First, the presence of these extraterrestrial amino acids suggests that extraterrestrial life is a real possibility. Second, if amino acids arrived on modern meteorites, then why not on earlier ones--and perhaps they had more than just the building blocks of life. This latter theory is not accepted by many scientists--but it is fun to speculate.


China considered meteorites to be sacred stones from the Heavens, and the Kaaba at Mecca is a meteorite revered by the Moslems for centuries. Some regard meteorites as helpful tools for communication with alien intelligences and distant planets. Meteorites can be used as a symbol of endurance based on their long travel and mode of entry into our world. Walk-ins or Star-seeds may find meteorites useful as a stabilizing influence in their “new environment.” It may also be useful in helping people get in contact with past lives on other worlds.

Magnetic meteorites attract and repel energies and are use for sedation. It acts as a grounding stone. because of its magnetic charge, it may temporarily align the Chakra, as well as stimulate the the subtle auric and etheric bodies. It assists in telepathy, meditation and visualization. They can provide stability and balance including balancing the intellect and our emotion state. It brings a balanced perspective and trust in your own intuition. Try using it to alleviate negativity such as fear, anger and grief. It brings positive qualities such as tenacity and endurance.

Folk Remedies - The meteorite with iron can increase blood flow and circulation and this is how it can help speed up the healing process and alleviate pain. The human body contains a magnetic charge that is essential for it to function. Meteorites with iron are very good for arthritis and joint pain. They can also be directly bandaged onto an affected area or onto acupressure points.


Colloidal Allende Meteorite

PriceFrom $22.00
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