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Despite our increased understanding of the functions and mechanisms of action of the pineal gland in the past few decades, the precise mechanism at a cellular level whereby electromagnetic radiation can produce biological effects was, until recently, unknown. However in the past decade or so, studies of the ferrous mineral known as magnetite, have shown that it can act as a transducer linking ambient electromagnetic activity to cellular function. In addition – in both animals and humans – magnetite has been identified in most tissues examined, including ALL areas of the brian especially the pineal gland.

Magnetite and the pineal gland

In recent decades, the ferrous mineral known as magnetite has been identified in most body tissues and particularly in the pineal gland. The magnetite acts as a transducer which links ambient electromagnetic activity to cellular function and is probably how birds and animals circumnavigate the globe so efficiently.

Both electromagnetic (EM) and natural geomagnetic radiation of varying strengths and types have been shown to influence melatonin production to the same degree as exposure to light. With the production of melatonin peaking in both June and November when the geomagnetic field is at its lowest. Sunspots, solar winds, celestial cycles and even supernovae have all been linked to fluctuations in melatonin synthesis.

The pineal gland can also be stimulated directly using magnetism and changes in geomagnetic and other radiation to the temporal lobe of the brain are known to produce changes in subjective experiences. Our dream states and sleep patterns are also thought to be associated with changes in background geomagnetic radiation.

Despite our increased understanding of the functions and mechanisms of action of the pineal gland in the past few decades, the precise mechanism at a cellular level whereby electromagnetic radiation can produce biological effects was, until recently, unknown. However in the past decade or so, studies of the ferrous mineral known as magnetite, have shown that it can act as a transducer linking ambient electromagnetic activity to cellular function. In addition – in both animals and humans – magnetite has been identified in most tissues examined, including the pineal gland (Lohmann & Johnsen, 2000; Schultheiss-Grassi & Dobson, 1999).

In traditional Chinese medicine, magnetite is considered salty and cold, and is associated with the Heart, Liver and Kidney meridians. It is a tranquilizing substance, and is used to clear the mind and suppress hyperactivity, producing a calming sensation. It is also believed to improve the functions of the eyes and ears, and has been used to treat conditions such as tinnitus and poor vision.


Among the many metaphysical properties of magnetite, it is perhaps best known as a stone of manifestation. It's magnetite properties attract and capture things, much as if you had tossed out a net and captured the things you wanted or needed in your life. If you are lacking anything in your life, whether it be a material item or an emotional need that has not be filled or is lacking in your life; magnetite can help draw it to you.

Many people speak of using magnetite to align the chakras and while it does help to align the chakras, it is more temporary in nature. In most cases, they are actually using lodestone which is much better at chakra alignment.

Magnetite is a grounding stone, but instead of just grounding out negativity, it serves as a connection to the energies of the earth and other worlds, allowing an exchange of energies with the negative aspects of the unwanted energies being removed from the body and aura and then being replaced by the positive aspect of the same energy.

This is somewhat unique in grounding stones, allowing for exchanges such as ridding the body of the stress associated with fear while replacing that negative with the positive of being quick thinking and acting in a fearful situation.

Magnetite has been used in amulets and talisman's since ancient times as a strong protection stone. It's connection with the earth provides the wearer with a magnification of their positive aspects needed most when protection is needed, such as enhanced endurance, the tenacity to keep going and the right words and actions to take to help to remove yourself from the unwanted situation.

Crystal healers use magnetite for situations and illnesses such as any type of disorder of the blood and or circulatory system. It can help to prevent excess bleeding or bruising and is often taped to the injury site after a fall to help reduce or prevent bruises from forming. In the case of nose bleed, placing a magnetite on each side of the nose has been used to help stop nose bleeds. It has also been used to alleviate pain and boost the immune system.

Persons who suffer from any type of nervous system disorder, especially those that result in the nervous extremes such as severe agitation or severe depression, often find relief by spending time with a Megnetite stone. Meditation while holding a magnetite can help one to connect with the universal energies to not just ease what causes the extremes but to also allow one to see how to prevent the situations that caused the original problems.

Main Chakra: Base

Vibrates to the number: 4

Element: Earth

Astrological Sign: Aries, Capricorn, Aquarius, and Virgo

Magnetite Colloidals

PriceFrom $18.00
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