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~25ppm elixir of equal parts of Gold, Iridium, Rhodium, Silver


When your body heals naturally, it heals everything. Your body knows how to heal itself, we've just have to give it the right building blocks to get it back to work. These 4 elements are the most regenerative and healing. Each has its own unique healing characteristics.  


David Hudson has done the most research about Ormus (over 30 years with many different labs all over the world) and he gives his wife Rhodium and Iridium which. Her fingernails are growing at an amazing rate which is a sign of great health. Since I've supplimented Iridium and Rhodium I've noticed the same. Many people are already aware of the amazing healing properties of Gold and Silver alone to cure cancer, HIV, various virusus, and many diseases. So by adding all 4 of these minerals together you've got a really powerful combination.


Many scientists are now theorizing that the periodic table is actually 3 dimensional. I too agree with this and I feel that it's either shaped like a spiral or shaped like a tesseract with these 4 minerals in the center square. The center of the human is the heart and the center of the solar system is the sun. It's fractal. The spirit always emulates from the center. These minerals profoundly affect the body and mind, and are exceptionally spiritual. I would even say they are the heart of the periodic table.

More information about the individual elements here:

Colloidal Gold

Colloidal Iridium

Colloidal Rhodium

Colloidal Silver




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Not Intended to Heal Anything Elixir

PriceFrom $22.00
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