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~25ppm elixir of equal parts of each elemental colloidal water



Colloidal Lanthanum

Colloidal Neodymium

Colloidal Praseodymium

Colloidal Samarium

Colloidal Thulium

Colloidal Ytterbium"


According to Dr. Joel Wallach "Rare Earths: Forbidden Cures, " the supplementation of each of these minerals is related to stimulating metabolism, enhances the growth of normal cells and has doubled the life spans of laboratory species .


Please note that Colloidal Europium is Not currently available because in its metallic form it is reactive in water so the normal electrolysis process won’t work. I am looking into alternative methods of producing it.


This Longevity liquid elixir is made from equal parts of each of the 6 different elements into Colloidal ionic form using lvdc electroloysis.


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Longevity Elixir

PriceFrom $27.00
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